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Game Name : NASCAR Thunder 2002
System : Playstation
Date Added : 2005-05-04 02:05:48
Views : 21661

Other recommendations:

Transmission: Manual
Tire Pressure: 20
Shocks: 100%
Downforce: 7.4
Wedge: 49.2%
Left Bias: 0
Rear Bias: 180
Wheel Lock: 15.4
Gear Ratios: 8.91, 7.06, 5.41, 3.71

Boca Chica
Transmission: Manual
Tire Pressure: 20
Shocks: 100%
Downforce: 8.2
Wedge: 49.2%
Left Bias: 60
Rear Bias: 120
Wheel Lock: 14.6
Gear Ratios: 8.81, 7.16, 5.61, 4.16

Transmission: Manual
Tire Pressure: 48
Shocks: 100%
Downforce: 7.4
Wedge: 47.6%
Left Bias: 300
Rear Bias: 240
Wheel Lock: 15.0
Gear Ratio: 10.0, 7.20, 5.70, 4.60

Transmission: Manual
Tire Pressure: 44
Shocks: 50%
Downforce: 1.0
Wedge: 49.2%
Left Bias: 210
Rear Bias: 0
Wheel Lock: 15.4
Gear Ratios: Default

Transmission: Manual
Tire Pressure: 40
Shocks: 0%
Down Force: 1.0
Wedge: 46.8%
Left Bias: 300
Rear Bias: 180
Wheel Lock: 14.6
Gear Ratios: 7.71, 5.56, 4.00, 3.20

Cocoa Beach
Transmission: Manual
Tire Pressure: 40
Shocks: 80%
Downforce: 1.0
Wedge: 49.2%
Left Bias: 120
Rear Bias: 120
Wheel Lock: 15.0
Gear Ratios: 6.91, 5.16, 3.70, 3.00

Transmission: Manual
Tire Pressure: 40
Shocks: 70%
Downforce: 2.6
Wedge: 49.2%
Left Bias: 300
Rear Bias: 180
Wheel Lock: 14.2
Gear Ratios: 7.71, 6.01, 4.25, 3.20

Daytona and Talladega
Transmission: Manual
Tire Pressure: 48
Shocks: 0%
Downforce: 1.0
Wedge: 49.2%
Left Bias: 300
Rear Bias: 180
Wheel Lock: 13.8
Gear Ratios: Defaults

Daytona Beach
Transmission: Manual
Tire Pressure: 40
Shocks: 100%
Downforce: 1.0
Wedge: 48.4%
Left Bias: 300
Rear Bias: 180
Wheel Lock: 14.6
Gear Ratios: 6.66, 5.06, 3.70, 3.00

Devil's Canyon
Transmission: Manual
Tire Pressure: 20
Shocks: 100%
Downforce: 7.4
Wedge: 51.6%
Left Bias: 60
Rear Bias: 60
Wheel Lock: 14.2
Gear Ratio: 9.56, 7.60, 5.80, 4.21
Lap times with this set-up should be around 1:31.7 to 1:32.5.

Transmission: Manual
Tire Pressure: 44
Shocks: 100%
Downforce: 3.4
Wedge: 48.4%
Left Bias: 300
Rear Bias: 180
Wheel Lock: 15.0
Gear Ratios: 7.61, 5.81, 4.20, 3.20

Homestead Raceway
Transmission: Manual
Tire Pressure: 48
Shocks: 40%
Downforce: 1.0
Wedge: 48.4%
Left Bias: +300
Rear Bias: 0
Wheel Lock: 15.4 degrees
Gear Ratios: 7.61, 5.51, 3.70, 3.00

Transmission: Manual
Tire Pressure: 40
Shocks: 80%
Downforce: 1.0
Wedge: 48.4%
Left Bias: 300
Rear Bias: 180
Wheel Lock: 14.6
Gear Ratio: 7.06, 5.21, 3.70, 3.00

Transmission: Manual
Tire Pressure: 44
Shocks: 100%
Downforce: 4.2
Wedge: 49.2%
Left Bias: 300
Rear Bias: 180
Wheel Lock: 14.6
Gear Ratio: 9.50, 6.40, 4.00, 3.20

Transmission: Manual
Tire Pressure: 36
Shocks: 60%
Downforce: 1.0
Wedge: 49.2%
Left Bias: 180
Rear Bias: 180
Wheel Lock: 13.8
Gear Ratios: 7.56, 5.56, 3.70, 3.00

Transmission: Manual
Tire Pressure: 52
Shocks: 100%
Downforce: 5.0
Wedge: 48.4%
Left Bias: 300
Rear Bias: 180
Wheel Lock: 14.2
Gear Ratio: 9.16, 7.20, 5.70, 4.36

Sears Point
Transmission: Manual
Tire Pressure: 28
Shocks: 100%
Downforce: 8.2
Wedge: 49.2%
Left Bias: 0
Rear Bias: 180
Wheel Lock: 15.0
Gear Ratios: 10.00, 7.80, 5.80, 4.25

Texas Motor Speedway
Transmission: Manual
Tire Pressure: 52 PSI
Suspension: 100%
Down Force: 1.0
Wedge: 46.0
Left Bias: +300
Rear Bias: +120
Wheel Lock: 15.8
Gear Ratios: 8.31, 6.06, 4.00, 3.20

Watkins Glen
Transmission: Manual
Tire Pressure: 40
Shocks: 100%
Downforce: 7.4
Wedge: 49.2%
Left Bias: 0
Rear Bias: 180
Wheel Lock: 14.6
Gear Ratio: 10.0, 7.30, 5.70, 4.30

Long Haul Part 4 Challenge (Sears Point) award:
Winning The Long Haul Part 4 Challenge (Sears Point) awards you the following Thunder Cards:

+5 Gas Guzzler (Offensive) 1
+10 Gas Guzzler (Offensive) 1
+10 Less Tire Wear (Defensive) 1
+5 Engine Protection (Defensive) 1
+10 Acceleration (Speed) 1
-20 Speed Limit (Speed) 1
+25 Draft Bonus (Speed) 1
30% Tire Damage (Offensive) 1
Tight Turns (Defensive) 1
Oil Slick (Offensive) 2
Proving Grounds Track 1

Hint: Rubbin' Pit Road Part 1 Challenge award:
Winning the Rubbin' Pit Road Part 1 Challenge awards you the following Thunder Cards:

+3 Extra Gas (Defensive) 1
+15 Less Tire Wear (Defensive) 1
20% Tire Damage (Offensive) 1
30% Tire Damage (Offensive) 1

Hint: Speed Demon Part 2 Challenge award:
Winning the Speed Demon Part 2 Challenge awards you the following Thunder Cards:

+2 Extra Gas (Defensive) 1
5% Faster Pitcrew (Defensive) 1
+5 Less Tire Wear (Defensive) 1
+5 Less Body Damage (Defensive) 1
+1 Air Resistance (Speed) 1
10% Tire Damage (Offensive) 1

Long Haul Part 3 Challenge (Talladega) award:
Winning the "Long Haul Part 3" Challenge (Talladega), awards you the following Thunder Cards:

+5 Less Tire Wear (Defensive) - 2
+10 Less Tire Wear (Defensive) - 1
+5 Engine Protection (Defensive) - 2
+15 Engine Protection (Defensive) - 1
-40 Speed Limit (Speed) - 1
+3 Air Resistance (Speed) - 1
+25 Draft Bonus (Speed) - 1
10% Tire Damage (Offensive) - 1
Speed Demon (Speed) - 1
X2 Double Damage (Offensive) - 1

2nd Place Spinout Challenge award:
Winning the "2nd Place Spinout Challenge", awards you the following Thunder Cards:

+1 Extra Gas (Defensive) - 1
+5 Gas Guzzler (Offensive) - 1
10% Faster Pitcrew (Defensive) - 1
+5 Less Tire Wear (Defensive) - 1
+5 Less Body Damage (Defensive) - 1
+5 Engine Protection (Defensive) - 1
+15 Acceleration (Speed) - 1
+1 Air Resistance (Speed) - 1
+2 Air Resistance (Speed) - 1
+3 Air Resistance (Speed) - 1
+25 Draft Bonus (Speed) - 1
20% Tire Damage (Offensive) - 1

Speed Demon Part 3 (Daytona) Challenge:
Start the race and work your way through the field as best you can. It is not necessary to be at the front. At the end of lap three, make a pit stop and take on tires only. Do not adjust the wedge very much, if at all. Fix any damage that you may have received. Go back out onto the track. Your driving line now becomes the critical factor for achieving the 47 second lap that the challenge requires. At the beginning of your second lap back on the track after your pit stop, your speed should be near 190 or 191 mph. As you enter turns one and two, your entry speed should be around 195 and exit speed around 184 or 185. Any slower than that on the exit, and you will be able to make it up on the backstretch. As you enter Turns three and four, entry speed should be near 197 and the exit should be around 183 or 184. If you keep those speeds, you should run a lap somewhere between 47.5 and 47.6 seconds. It is absolutely imperative that you keep a steady line through the corners, otherwise you will scrub off too much speed if the car drifts off line. You will need to make a second pit stop to gas up and get four more tires, probably around lap seven or eight. If you can draft on other cars, this will significantly pick up your turn entry speeds but you can run a 47.6 second lap without a lot of drafting help.

Rubbin' Pit Road Part 1 Challenge award:
Winning the Rubbin' Pit Road Part 1 Challenge awards you the following Thunder Cards:

+3 Extra Gas (Defensive) 1
+15 Less Tire Wear (Defensive) 1
20% Tire Damage (Offensive) 1
30% Tire Damage (Offensive) 1

Ramming cars:
Get the car you want ram directly besides. Keep him beside your car on the left side. When you are coming around a corner, press Analog-stick Left to send him straight into the wall. You can also keep him along your left side and wait for the pit entrance get near. Then, press Analog-stick Left to send him into the pits. Some cars can regain control before they go in, so get as close as you can.

Devil's Canyon track:
Finish first in the points standings in the Short Track Challenge.

Boca Chica track:
Finish first in the points standings in the Road Course Challenge.
Information in this section was contributed by Ben Jacobson.


Speed Demon Part 2 Challenge award:
Winning the Speed Demon Part 2 Challenge awards you the following Thunder Cards:

+2 Extra Gas (Defensive) 1
5% Faster Pitcrew (Defensive) 1
+5 Less Tire Wear (Defensive) 1
+5 Less Body Damage (Defensive) 1
+1 Air Resistance (Speed) 1
10% Tire Damage (Offensive) 1

Cocoa Beach track:
Finish first in the points standings in the Superspeedway Shootout.

Recommended settings:
Note: If you are playing in career mode, these settings work best with a fully tuned car.

Track Tire Pressure Rear Spoiler Suspension Wedge Gear Ratio
Atlanta 45 p.s.i. 45 Degrees 60 Percent -3.5 Turns 10
Bristol 45 p.s.i. 69 Degrees 85 Percent -4.0 Turns 2
California 33 p.s.i. 50 Degrees 75 Percent -4.0 Turns 6
Chicagoland 45 p.s.i. 65 Degrees 40 Percent -0.5 Turns 6
Darlington 45 p.s.i. 60 Degrees 51 Percent -4.0 Turns 5
Daytona 42 p.s.i. 45 Degrees 80 Percent 1.0 Turns 9
Dover 30 p.s.i. 71 Degrees 75 Percent -2.0 Turns 5
Homestead Miami 30 p.s.i. 74 Degrees 100 Percent -4.0 Turns 5
Indianapolis 30 p.s.i. 66 Degrees 52 Percent -4.0 Turns 7
Kansas 35 p.s.i. 65 Degrees 75 Percent -4.0 Turns 6
Las Vegas 30 p.s.i. 66 Degrees 50 Percent -4.0 Turns 6
Lowe's 45 p.s.i. 70 Degrees 40 Percent 1.0 Turns 6
Martinsville 30 p.s.i. 75 Degrees 100 Percent -4.0 Turns 2
Michigan 45 p.s.i. 60 Degrees 40 Percent -2.0 Turns 6
New Hampshire 30 p.s.i. 70 Degrees 100 Percent -4.0 Turns 3
North Carolina 45 p.s.i. 70 Degrees 50 Percent -4.0 Turns 5
Pocono (Qualify) 30 p.s.i. 66 Degrees 70 Percent -4.0 Turns 6
Pocono 30 p.s.i. 66 Degrees 70 Percent -4.0 Turns 7
Richmond 30 p.s.i. 70 Degrees 52 Percent -3.5 Turns 3
Sears Point 30 p.s.i. 74 Degrees 75 Percent -4.0 Turns 4
Talladega 30 p.s.i. 45 Degrees 44 Percent -4.0 Turns 8
Texas 30 p.s.i. 60 Degrees 50 Percent -4.0 Turns 6
Watkins Glen 30 p.s.i. 75 Degrees 100 Percent -4.0 Turns 4

2nd Place Spinout Challenge award:
The key to winning this challenge is track position and pit strategy. Start the race and drive your way to either first or second place within the first three laps. At the end of lap three, make a pit stop. Take on tires and just enough gas to finish. Adjust the wedge setting if necessary. As the rest of the field cycles through their pit stops a couple of laps later, make sure you are in a position to recapture second place. As you near the finish line on the last lap, aim your car to crash into the outside wall right at the finish line. When the car hits the wall, the impact will spin it around backwards as it crosses the line. This should be sufficient to win the challenge.

Albuquerque track:
Finish first in the point standings in the Full Season.

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